Saturday, April 9, 2011

April Happenings!

Hi all! I'm sorry I've been neglectful of my blog. Recently, I've been art journaling, making Zentangles, and exchanging mail art. Here is some of my recent work: a postcard that I made for Samie Kira (; the beginning of a scarf I am making for Vasya, the orphan in Ukraine who I sponsor; a mandala I colored in (the mandala is from; and a Zentangle ATC I made for a swap.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of mail art - I've been sending homemade postcards for years without ever realizing it had an official name! ^_^ Mail art is my new favorite genre!


so much goodness

Hello, dear friends! I have been fairly busy with babysitting and also caring for two baby parrots. The parrots are being weaned by my dad a...