Monday, June 5, 2017

June update and culinary arts

     I haven't updated my blog in a while. I have been creating (mostly crocheting and making mail art), but I just haven't gotten around to posting my work to this blog. If you want more updates from me, please check out my Instagram. I'm EricaBerrie on there. A link to my Instagram is here.
     I made some crocheted pieces for a future yarn bomb. The yarn bomb is being organized by the artist Knitteapolis. She is going to yarn bomb at the Minnesota State Fair in Minneapolis. I mailed her some motifs as well as a large mesh rectangle. The rectangle is modeled here by my sister's dog, Harlow. I used Lion Brand's Shawl in a Bawl yarn.

     Here are some pictures of some of the mail art I've made recently.

     Besides crocheting and making mail art, I've been baking and cooking up a storm lately! Most of what I make is for my Dad and his employees. They love the baked goods I make for them! My mom and sister also like to eat what I make. Besides cookies and quick breads, I've also made a quiche and stuffed shells. Today, I'm going to make energy bites and hummus. I don't have a food processor, so I'm hoping I can make the energy bites in my blender. Pictured here is a yummy banana bread I made two weeks ago.

1 comment:

  1. Banana bread is one of my favorites to make. My recipe is probably pretty basic, but everyone in my office LOVES it and looks forward to it every Christmas :)

    Looks very yummy!
    Peanutsmommy7 with Swap-bot.


New Year's Wish (poem)

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